Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Salvete Sodales!

Welcome to the blog of my adventures using Practomime in my Latin classroom!

If you don't know Practomime, check it out here:'s the most succinct definition you'll get, and it has a lot of really good information.

This year, I'm experimenting with Operation LAPIS, a Practomime designed by The Pericles Group, in my 6th and 7th grade Latin classes. I'm really excited and really hopeful - we'll see how this goes!

Why did I name this blog what I did? "Aut inveniam viam aut faciam" means "I will either find a way, or I will make one." Since we couldn't find a way to do what we wanted to do in the classroom through traditional methods, my colleagues at TPG and I made a way.

If you want to stay apprised of everything I'm up to, feel free to follow this blog! I hope you join the adventure!

Cura ut valeas!