*I learned that some people I had recently been thinking about, who I missed, and hadn't seen in a while, would be at the conference I will be at this weekend. (YAY!!)
*I was able to introduce a friend of mine to another friend of mine. Two women, same profession, one who had recently been on the artist retreat that the other was about to go on!
*And, amazingly, a friend I hadn't talked to in 2 years tagged me on Google+, to ask about a game he had thought about. Was there interest? Would he be jumping in alone? And I was able to connect him with other friends of mine who were working on similar things. We can totally work together on this!
And it wasn't coincidental. It was just what I needed--and what my friends needed. All of us!
At the same time, the first story that my favorite team of amazing five-year-olds went up, with full illustration and audio, on the Tres Columnae project. The girls were super excited and vowed to continue writing about these wonderful talking cows, and the adventures of Fortunata the Cow, Io the calf, Maximus the Bull, and Diana the Puppy. "Is this what happens in school?!" asked J. A, her mom, explained that sadly, it wasn't. At a traditional school, she wouldn't get to write amazing stories in Latin about cows. "No wonder people don't survive at these schools," J replied.
And suddenly, the true necessity of *Joyful Communities* was cemented for me. We need the connections, the lack of coincidences, the ownership. Because now that J owns the work she does, she is SO much more enthusiastic about doing it.
So what can we do to build connections for our students?
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