So I'm going to start today off with a song.
Did you watch it? Please watch it. This will make so much more sense if you do.
So this song is called "Beetz In My Salad," by the amazing artists SJ Tucker and Big Bad Gina.
I love this song for so many reasons, but I guess my favorite is that it talks about supporting community and even brings in a social justice angle.
So, I've talked a lot about being the change and learning to listen and understand. I've talked about building community and about altrusim.
Let's tie it together a bit. In order to make the change we want to happen happen, we need to bring our "ingredient of choice" to the proverbial community salad. In order to make this happen, we must connect with our kindred fish, and even non-kindred fish. We must listen and try to understand them, and help them to understand us. Sure this sounds idealistic, but the more people who can bring something to the community salad, even if it's just an open mind, will be what will bring about a positive change in our communities, especially in education.
As the song says: "We all become important when we realize our goal should be to figure out our role within the context of the whole." When we can meet at the proverbial community salad bar, and eat something to which we all contributed, our goal will be achieved.
What does this require of us? Open minds, networking, altruism, and listening. What is out there? What is needed to bring about positive change? What do people want? What do they need? Henry Ford is famously quoted as saying, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." So, let me add one more thing: innovation. The innovation ties in with the other four. In order to bring about the change that needs to happen, we need to work together, keep open minds, listen to our collaborators, and network with other collaborators.
Alright, so what are you going to bring to the Community Salad? And how are we going to create the Community Salad Bar?
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